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No IR on any cameras -- strange --


Good afternoon,

I have a very strange issue, I have asked the company I purchased the equipment from , however although they helped a little they wouldnt take a camera back to test it for me.

So, in our shop I have a Hikvision IP system with 3 cameras, 2 internal domes and an exterior one.

One evening I checked on the cameras using IVMS and noticed our shop was in blackness, weird. The IR didnt seem to be working at all on any camera. It was as if the IR had been turned of altogethor.

Next morning I accessed the recorder then the cameras, everything was as it should be; I had changed nothing in the lead up to this.

I have reset every camera manually using the reset button and updated both the firmware on the cameras and recorder. Nope, still no joy.

Any ideas ? The cameras work flawlessly otherwise.

The cameras do switch to b/w in low light.

System :

2 x DS-2CD2142FWD-I(2.8mm)
Hi @bud

The camera models you have a relatively old so it may be that the IR LEDs themselves have failed.

Are you accessing your NVR with a direct VGA/HDMI monitor or are you accessing with a browser?
regarding the camera modules, they all went off at the same time; overnight, It would be highly unlikely they all failed at the same time?
Accessing the NVR direct with a HDMI cable.
Cameras accessed direct through a laptop.

Is it possible the power supplying the cameras from the NVR is faulty ?
I am baffled.
Cameras whre purchased just over 3 years ago

And thanks for the reply Dan
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sorry but your initial description of the issue has confused me, when you logged into the NVR did you find that the cameras had actually gone offline/disconnected at night? Did you check the recordings from that night and find that the recording had stopped or did you still see recordings in the timeline but the camera images were completely dark?

If you are seeing no recordings or intermittent recordings then it may be a power issue. The IR LEDs do draw more power so potentially if the PSUs are failing when IR switch kicks in at night at the power draw increases this may be causing the cameras to cut out as they can't draw enough power from the PSU.

How are you powering the cameras? Separate 12v PSUs, Separate PoE injectors/switch, or are they plugged directly into the PoE ports of the NVR?
damn, now that is something I should of checked re: the nights recordings, I could kick myself for not thinking of that, that may have determined if there was a power outage or something. I cannot check this now as it was a couple of months back.

Recordings are fine with no intermittance.

The cameras are powered via the NVR only.

Ok, so I guess it comes down to testing a single camera? If I unplug all but 1 camera and check if the IR is working ?
Could you explain if there is an easy way to check ?

Again thanks for your input :)
The easiest way to check if the IR LEDs are working would be to login to each camera and click Configuration > Image > Display Settings, once on this page you will want to open the Day/Night Switch menu and change the camera from auto to night mode. This will force the camera into IR night mode and if the IR LEDs are working, when you look at the lens of each camera in night mode you should see the faint pink/red glow of the IR LEDs around the lens of the camera.

If you are not seeing any LED glow in night mode this would suggest the LEDs have failed.
Ok, I will get down to the shop this evening and report back.
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So, i have been into the shop today.
I unplugged all cameras accept one and placed it in night mode, went over to the camera in a darkened shop floor and the leds are indeed not faintly glowing.
I teseted the other internal camera and the same result.

I find it really unlikey all 3 cameras LEDs have broken at the same time ( same day ), so would you consider it may be the NVR that supplies the power to the camera ?
I am not sure of the pinout as to how the ethernet cables power the camera, is it just a single supply that when the camera demands more power it will just draw from the same feed?

I was thnking of purchasing a seperate poe injector to test each camera ? what do you think ? could anybody recommend a fairly inexpensive one?
Hi @bud

It is unlikely that there is an issue with the NVR PoE ports, but yes we would recommend testing the cameras on a separate PoE Injector to verify if that is the issue. This Level One PoE Injector is one we often recommend.
Ok, so I am 100% certain I have the issue with the cameras.
Let me explain that ALL 3 cameras have exactly the same issue ( see pictures), not good really.
Cameras are just over 3 years old, surely this is never right for them ALL to have the same issue in exactly the same area.

I may be incorrect, but looking at the lens of the camera in the picture ...................... it looks like a water bubble inside the lens??
Is there evidence of moisture inside the Cameras??
Hi @bud

It is rare that multiple cameras will display the same fault at the same time, but older Hikvision camera models like the ones you have didn't use the best IR LEDs and also they relied on lots of low powered LEDs which meant more wiring and more potential for faults to appear.

If they are just over 3-years old they will likely be out of warranty, but if you can it may still be worth talking to the company you originally purchased from as they may be able to confirm that they are actually just inside warranty. If they are out of warranty your only option is going to be to purchase new replacement models.
HI Dan,
you best point me towards some replacements in your store if you dont mind please.