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Personnaliser le nombre de camera dans IE?


New Member
Bonjour, chez moi j'ai actuellement 3 caméra sur mon interface, bientôt j'en aurai 6, j'utilise internet explorer
le truc c'est que sur IE c'est
1 caméra, ou 4 ou 9



alors est t'il possible de modifier cela pour en avoir 6 d'affichées pour les avoir toutes sur la meme page, et aucune case vide
ca n'est pas possible par le biais des cam, alors est il possible de personnaliser par le biais de IE ou autre

"Hello, at home I currently have 3 cameras on my interface, soon I will have 6, I use internet explorer.
The thing is that on IE it is display 1 camera, or 4 or 9

so is it possible to modify this to have 6 displayed to have them all on the same page, and no empty boxes?

This is not possible through cam, so is it possible to customize through IE or other?

Hi @kindermuhaaa

We've never worked with this brand of cameras before so we won't really be able to give you any firm answer on this, but when I searched for a user manual for Wanscam cameras I looked through it and could not see any menus/settings for live view display so I would be pretty confident in saying that there is no way to customise the live view display layout in the camera settings.

The user manual did include a support email address for Wanscam cameras - support@wanscam.com - so I would try emailing them to see if you can get a more concrete answer.