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Playback Error

bien gomez

Active Member

I wanted to ask for some assistance. I have a HIK wireless NVR. The cameras connected to it are also HIKVision brand (cube camera).

The recording works fine because the timeline shows a bar that shows there are recorded videos.

If I choose to playback the recorded videos, an error appears on the web browser, it says "playback failed".

I am hoping somebody has encountered and found a solution for this.

Thank you.
Hikvision PTZ cameras

Can you let me know what NVR model you have, what firmware version it's on and what browser you're trying to use to view the playback please?
Hi Kieran.

Its a wireless NVR 150922 firmware. The culprit was the Google Chrome browser. We tried using a Firefox browser and it worked!

Thanks so much.
No problem, glad you got it resolved!

Just FYI, the NPAPI plugin Hikvision use has become unsupported by many browsers (except Firefox) and they're currently producing a fix for it due to be released at the end of this month/November. I made a post about it here.
Hi Kieran.

Thanks so much. I really appreciate all the help you are offering to us. =)

Just looked at this post as i was also having playback issues, turns out firfoxes default action is not to notify if something needs unblocking.
Next to the browser address bar there should be a lego block or exclamation mark, click this and it should take you into the options for blocking and unblocking popups and plugins etc.

Hope this helps others
