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Hik-Connect Solved: Not able to get Push Notifications

Philip 123

Solved with great success.

For the last 7 days from 8am until midnight, I’ve been trying to get push notifications on my Hik-Connect app on my Android phone using Line Crossing and Intrusion Detection.

I failed miserably. And so have a lot more people on the forums.

It has been a nightmare and I’ve tried everything Technical.

So I phoned the company that sold the system to me and he said I cannot have Line Crossing and Intrusion Detection on at the same time.

I disabled Line crossing on all 11 cameras and enabled Intrusion Detection and Voila it worked.

It does work with Motion detection on as well but I have disabled that because I cannot do Minimum boxes on Motion.
I've misled you all.
I did a Factory reset and I CAN HAVE Line crossing and Intrusion on at the same time.
And get push notifications from line crossing and Intrusion detection.
So the big learning curve here is to do a Factory reset.

In my defence about misleading you all is that I was told by my CCTV Supplier I could not have both line and intrusion on at the same time.