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Stop continuous recording via API?


Is there a way to stop continuous recording to SD card or hard disk via API function? I can find a start/stop function for manual recording. However, I cannot find such a function for continuous recording. My DS-2DE4A425IW-DE automatically starts continuous recording when a preset is selected via the PTZ control and only with a reboot i can stop the recording.
Hi @seymi

Are you wanting the camera to be recording at all?

Is the camera connected to an NVR? If it is, what NVR model is it?

What firmware version is the camera currently running? If you do have an NVR what firmware version is that running?
Hi @seymi

Are you wanting the camera to be recording at all?

Is the camera connected to an NVR? If it is, what NVR model is it?

What firmware version is the camera currently running? If you do have an NVR what firmware version is that running?
Yes, the camera is designed to record and is configured for motion and intrusion detection. The current firmware is V5.7.11 build 220831. But also with the last version V5.7.11 build 220905 there is the same problem.
Hi @seymi

Have you tried the PTZ preset when you just have one smart event enabled? Can you try disabling motion, test the preset, and then do the same with intrusion disabled & motion enabled?

We think it might possibly be a glitch with the firmware where the smart events are being triggered by the movement of the PTZ when you click the preset and then the camera is then thinking the event is happening constantly.

Trying the events individually might help identify if all events are doing the same thing or if particular events are more likely to trigger this continuous recording.
Hi @seymi

Have you tried the PTZ preset when you just have one smart event enabled? Can you try disabling motion, test the preset, and then do the same with intrusion disabled & motion enabled?

We think it might possibly be a glitch with the firmware where the smart events are being triggered by the movement of the PTZ when you click the preset and then the camera is then thinking the event is happening constantly.

Trying the events individually might help identify if all events are doing the same thing or if particular events are more likely to trigger this continuous recording.
To avoid any misconfiguration, I reset the camera completely to factory settings, then defined nothing except for two presets. Even then, continuous recording started immediately when a preset was selected.
Thanks @seymi

Can you please confirm if the camera is connected to an NVR? If it is, what NVR model is it and what firmware is it running?
Thanks @seymi

We are discussing this issue with Hikvision technical support.

They would like to know the serial number of the camera, so you don't have to share it publicly can you please email us the serial number? (address is info@use-ip.co.uk)
Thanks @seymi

Hikvision support has recommended that you try upgrading to the latest firmware - v5.7.11_Build230612 (see attached zip file)

Please try updating to this version and let us know if you still see this continuous recording issue.


There are no changes with continuous recording. But now there is no smart tracking anymore.
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This is exactly the version I am currently working with. Nevertheless, I have installed this firmware again on a trial basis. As expected without change. To make sure that certain areas are not overwritten with the new firmware during a firmware upgrade via the web gui, I decided to reinstall the firmware via TFTP update. Unfortunately, I have great problems at the moment, because the TFTP update always stops after about 1 minute. I have not yet found the exact cause for this. As soon as I have successfully installed the firmware, I will report again. But in advance, thank you very much for your great support.
Hi Dan
I have not yet been able to install the firmware via TFTP. In the bootloader I see that there are other ways to load the firmware. Can you or Hikvision give advice on how to do this and what I need for it.
Sorry @seymi

What do you mean by "i don't have a IP address"?

How are you accessing a solo camera (no NVR) without it being on the network?
Hi Dan
At the moment i can only access the camera over a serial connection.

We weren't even aware that it was possible to access the camera via the serial connection, the only time we have used the serial connection before is for extracting log information from the camera.

I don't know of any other way to update the firmware via the serial connection, we would recommend getting the camera connected to your local network and trying one of the methods I mentioned earlier.
You can update the firmware over the network if you have a running system. In my case the system stops without an activated network connection. Thats why the normal upgrade methods don’t work for me. With a serial connection i can stop the bootloader and then choose update. This will start a minisystem which establish a network connection and try to download the firmware over tftp. This seems to work for me but the network connection is closed after a short time and the download breaks. The bootloader has some other update commands, but they are not enough described. I don‘t know how to use this commands.
I think only hikvision can help.

We don't really understand what you are doing here, you are getting into technical areas we have no experience in.

Hikvision Support might be your best chance to get help on this.