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Using facial recognition cameras for access control?


New Member
I have a question. I read that there are video cameras that can recognize faces.
I'm wondering how difficult it is to implement such an access control system and how reliable it is?
Hi! I think it can be implemented with the help of a certain software solution.
But this solution is suitable for places with low throughput because the underlying technology is often unable to identify a large number of faces. This causes problems, faces are misidentified and access is mistakenly allowed or denied. More sophisticated and accurate devices use 3D face modeling, more details here Biometric Access Control Devices and Future Security System But they also have problems with recognition.
It would be interesting to know where exactly you want to use this system, at home or in the office? This would help me give you more accurate advice.
The use of facial recognition cameras in the UK is challenging due to it potentially being a threat to an individual's right to privacy, hence "Expert advice" may be needed:
Three-way security partnership launches FaceComply to offer expert advice on facial recognition use

The Met Police have proved it to be very powerful, but are having to proceed very cautiously in using facial recognition technology: