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A few years ago I wrote a post about Milestone Care with the intention to help our customers to decide which version would work best for them. However, now I am asking that you ignore that original post and see the updated information here. It has all changed.

Currently, there are just two versions of Care:
  • Care Plus
  • Care Premium
Care Plus has been designed for users who wish to protect their investment. Milestone XProtect VMS products are regularly updated in order to maintain their safety and include enhancements. Care Plus is essentially a software maintenance service, it provides access to product updates and enables users to protect their investment.

Included in Care Plus:
  • Recurring product updates make your system safer and more efficient and more powerful
  • Full return on your initial investment if upgrading to a more advanced XProtect solution
If you need more support coverage then this is where Care Premium comes in. This provides all the benefits of Care Plus with added extras.

Included in Care Premium:
  • 24/7 access to the Milestone Support Team
  • Prioritised support to ensure critical issues are dealt with quickly
  • Support in selected languages based on availability
We recommend Care Plus for all of our customers who purchase XProtect VMS, we are huge fans of keeping up-to-date with the latest software versions and Care Plus is the way to go to do this. In regards to Care Premium, this is down to personal preference and your system needs. Care Premium can only be used on systems using XProtect Professional+or higher, we would recommend considering Premium if you have a large system that requires 24/7 attention. We at use-IP, of course, are here to help, however, we can only help within office hours which is why we feel it worth taking this into consideration when assessing which Care package best suits your needs.

If you have any questions or want to enquire about either Care Plus or Care Premium please feel free to contact us at info@use-ip.co.uk.

