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AX PRO AX PRO Installer in London?

Hikvision's AX PRO intruder alarm systems


Hi guys, can anyone recommend a AX PRO installers in London?

Basically I have cats at home and the original idea of going with a traditional wired system has proven to be quite expensive and ineffective, as installers want to put multiple shock sensors to doors and windows and avoid motion sensors. I have been quoted 3k and the system is significantly watered down in protection due to limited motion sensors.

I’d be perfectly happy with using AI cameras for human detection, and I believe acusense cameras paired up with AX PRO can achieve this. I was hoping to DIY install an AX Pro and ask an ARC to monitor it. But looks like most ARC only work with professional installers, hence my desires to search for an installer.
Is there a reason why you need an ARC to be involved? That won't guarantee a Police response (in fact will unlikely get a Police response).

I don't quite understand why you can't use PIR's just because you have cats though - this Hikvision AX Pro sensor is pet friendly - it ignores animals up to 30kg - and I can't imagine your cats are that big unless they're tigers?

ha my cats are definitely cat-sized! My original plan was to get a wired system with ARC (plus Hikvision CCTVs) but the two installers we got quotes from all have advised minimal use of pet-friendly PIR. I have been told the reason is - unlike dogs, cats can jump and confuse PIRs (even the pet friendly ones) hence it is not just about the pet's size. Both installers advised rigging up windows/doors with glass break/shock/contact, and only put PIR in areas that are completely clear of furniture. That's a fairly expensive way to go about and the end result is probably less effective, while Acusense can probably do a much better job on pet-immunity (I even wonder if we can set AX PRO to go off only if both Acusense and motion are triggered?)

You are right that not having ARC involved is probably an easier solution. But we live in an area where break-in is a concern, and we are away a fair bit which makes self monitoring tricky. We were actually planning to use ARC+Keyholding (we have a good local security firm that does show up within 5 mins.. albeit at a fee).

One added reason is the insurance premium, as a pro-installed system (which I believe AX PRO can be?) does seem to reduce my premium fair bit...
Remote monitoring centres tend to require the systems that they monitor to be installed in such a way that they comply with British Standards / best recommended practices.

They want an effective system that avoids false alarms.
They will very likely insist that they can get video verification i.e. the ability to access your cameras when your intruder alarm alerts them and verify that they can see intruders.

Perhaps contact a couple of high quality ARC providers, have a chat, and ask them to suggest suitable installers in your area:

Such a solution will unfortunately come at a fairly high price, and have ongoing costs for the service.
If you follow the lead and advice of a good ARC, then I'd hope that you can get to where you need to be with a high level of assurance :)