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Hard disks for Ds-7608NI-I2/8p


Hello all,

i have a quick question. I will buy the 7608NI-I2 (8ch) and I see that it has 2 SATA slots. I was wondering what HDD I should buy for it... I see that WD makes the Purple series that is for Surveillance equipment. Is this the correct one to use?

Also what size in TB should they be? I don't want recording 24/7, just when alarms set off on one of the cameras (which will probably be the DS-2CD2342WD-I ones).

We like to recommend the WD Purple series of surveillance drives for use with NVRs.

The size of the drive you'd need depends on the number of cameras and how long you'd like to retain footage for. It's impossible to predict how often your cameras will be recording when using motion detection, so most online calculators use 24/7 recording as a guideline.

We have a calculator embedded into our blog you can use to get an idea of what size drive you'd be after.