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How Can I Get My DS-7104HUHI-K1 DVR to Support an 8MP IP Camera?


I have a Hikvision IP , DS-2CD3386G2-ISU ,
and Hikvision two analog cameras, one is 8 mp and the other is 2 mp.
the problem is DVR ,Hikvision DS-7104HUHI-K1- ( 4 K, 8MP lite)

Do I need to reduce the resolution of the IP cameras 4 mp and increase the number of FPS or keep the resolution of 8 mp and reduce the FPS?
I've tried many combinations and I'm totally lost in the various settings.
Do you have any suggestions without changing the DVR.

Current settings,mainstream

- IP camera -- 3840*2160 , 12 fps , 8192 Kbps
- analogna -- 1920*2160 , 12 fps , 2048 Kbps
- analogna 2 mp -- 1920*1080 , 25 fps , 2048 Kbps.

If I increase the 20/25 FPS value on the ip camera, then the DVR cannot see the ip camera.
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Hi @kruja

The datasheet for the DVR you have states that to run an 8MP IP cameras you need to reduce the frame rate 8fps.
Can you answer me? What is the most important thing to get the best video recording?
--reduce the number of FPS
--increase the Kbps value
--I decrease the resolution value
--video quality -- highest, medium, weak.
Which setting has the biggest impact on video quality?
thank you.

Hi @kruja

Reducing the stream resolution will have the biggest impact on image quality because you are reducing the number of pixels that make up the image.
I achieved these results - resolution is 3840*2160 Hikvision DS-2CD3386G2-ISU
mainstream -- The IP camera is now at 15 fps but I switched to 265 +. Hikvision analogna 2 mp 265 pro (25 FPS). That's the highest value I managed to achieve for FPS , video quality-- the highest.
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