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resize NAS disk partition?


Well-Known Member

i have freenas with a 4TB disk with 3 "partition" (zfs)

i would like to reduce 2 partition and create a new one without losing what was recorded.

since each partition need to be "formatted/initialized" by the camera, is it possible?
going to add that one partition got >500gig left, i would like to remove 400gig
another have > 900 gig left, i would remove 600gig

from these make a new 1T partition for a new camera

if i can keep the data it would be best
As you said you will most likely need to initialize disk for each camera which will end up with losing recordings.

However, why don't you just copy what you have on existing partitions to free space you will create? Cameras overwrite recorded material anyway so:
1. resize your partitions and create new one.
2. move footage to new partition
3. initialize disk
4. once material is no longer required simply delete it (camera would overwrite existing files after 1 or 2 weeks anyway so just keep existing files on new partition for that time).
ha, i was hoping to find a way to simply resize and update without losing anything.

funny story, the h265+ is very good, i have a 1.4T partition for 1 camera, only 425 gig is being used since december 11 2019, at this rate I think i could have about a year worth of video before it overwrite itself. (i kind of over evaluated the space needed for that one)

this is on a 5m camera with quality to highest and variable rate of 8192-4096kbps at 15fps with 24/7 recording

I guess I need to say good bye to my previous recording since I don't have extra storage somewhere to old what I have.

I will wait until the weekend to see if there is a magic solution.
Yeah, this Max / Average bit rate is a bit funny - it is only theoretical target and can vary significantly.
I have 6MP cameras and each has 600GB partition allocated. On h265+ with 8192/4096 (20fps) they take anything between 18 days to 7 days to use up that space and start overwriting.

I have never heard of case where only 400GB was consumed for 6 months of continuous recording. I think you should open one of your files in VLC and check codec / stats information. Also check that everything is really recorded and video quality meets your needs. 400GB for 6 months at 5MP / 15fps sounds really strange.
yeah that surprise me too, there is not a lot of activity on that camera so maybe that is why, since the view doesnt change often maybe h265+ does some magic. i did some spot check (10 random days since december 11) night and day are correct and no glitch. i can confirm it is h265+ and in fact it's a ds-2cd2155fwd-I which mean that a previous firmware update "upgraded" everything to 6mp, it is recording at 3072*2048. I have another one where there is more activity and i had the same size partition, that one is using about 880 gig with 520gig free. also from december 11. both camera have identical settings.

i can show a video from that one since i made some public timelapse, you can see the quality yourself. it goes up to 4k quality on youtube it seem (camera is not).

anyway all that to say, i wish i was able to keep everything but i might destroy everything this weekend, i will see. i need to add a new camera on the nas, right now that new one is record on a sd card.