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TandemVu PTZ Camera (DS-2SE4C425MWG-E/26(F0)) issues?


I have noted that the firmware files have been updated, but I am unsure what I should try first. in the firmware notes, it states "Note : Switch materials has been updated with same model name, the new firmware compatible with both new & old materials, but old firmware cannot. Do not downgrade a device whose factory version is 230722" So i have no idea if this applies to my system, and if I downgrade in order to check if this corrects my problem, can I upgrade again?

I hope you might be able to give some guidance.


Sorry for the delay @paccmx.

I think the notes are saying that they apply to both old and new versions of the TandemVu cameras now, as the newest firmware works on both.

But, the important warning is that if your PTZ shipped from the factory with V5.8.0 build 230722 (making it a newer model I think), then do not downgrade to one of the other versions in that folder.

The white label on the camera itself, or the box that it came in, will usually state the "factory firmware version".
So, if the factory version on the label isn't V5.8.0 build 230722, then you should be safe to try one of those earlier versions to see if they resolve things.
If you have any doubt at all, then I would recommend sending your serial number to Hikvision Support and asking them to confirm whether you can downgrade safely.

I've also had confirmation from Hikvision's HQ that the missing features were an error on the older firmware, as these cameras have never properly supported the 'tracking linkage' feature.
This is why it was removed from the newer firmware, but it may be added properly as an option in the future.
Here's their response to me saying this:
Sorry, this model doesn’t support tracking linkage at all. There was an error showing those 2 options on the old firmware's menu, but the model doesn’t support them. This is why we removed these 2 options from the interface on the updated firmware. However, we are considering introducing the function to this model in future firmware.
Sorry for the delay @paccmx.

I think the notes are saying that they apply to both old and new versions of the TandemVu cameras now, as the newest firmware works on both.

But, the important warning is that if your PTZ shipped from the factory with V5.8.0 build 230722 (making it a newer model I think), then do not downgrade to one of the other versions in that folder.

The white label on the camera itself, or the box that it came in, will usually state the "factory firmware version".
So, if the factory version on the label isn't V5.8.0 build 230722, then you should be safe to try one of those earlier versions to see if they resolve things.
If you have any doubt at all, then I would recommend sending your serial number to Hikvision Support and asking them to confirm whether you can downgrade safely.

I've also had confirmation from Hikvision's HQ that the missing features were an error on the older firmware, as these cameras have never properly supported the 'tracking linkage' feature.
This is why it was removed from the newer firmware, but it may be added properly as an option in the future.
Here's their response to me saying this:
What is odd here is that the cameras are sold with the idea of automatic target detection via la panoramic channel, with instant tracking via the PTZ channel. I can confirm this does not work at all. and no one has been able to confirm the correct way to configure this function. See youtube video for more

Furthermore, in the specs it states that there is a Panorama Linkage, but this does not work. I feel this has been a marketing error, and has failed to disclaim that the camera will not work as demonstrated in their video. I bought the camera because of what I saw in the demonstration videos. Now I have a camera that will not work as thought.

I do hope hikvision will include this function in the next firmware updates. Until then I will have to purchase another camera that will work as I need it to.

Thanks Kyle for your assistance in this matter. You have been great!!!
Sorry for the late reply. And i hope i didn't miss anything with regards to previous replies.... @paccmx.
Can you confirm that you logged directly into the camera then Went to the PTZ tab then clicked on Smart Tracking and enabled smart tracking?

Then go to smart events and make sure that the linkage action for smart event that your going to has smart track ticked/enabled.

I do that first before drawing the rules on the NVR.
Sorry for the late reply. And i hope i didn't miss anything with regards to previous replies.... @paccmx.
Can you confirm that you logged directly into the camera then Went to the PTZ tab then clicked on Smart Tracking and enabled smart tracking?

Then go to smart events and make sure that the linkage action for smart event that your going to has smart track ticked/enabled.

I do that first before drawing the rules on the NVR.

I can confirm that I have done this directly via gui web. But there is no Smart Tracking. What I am seeing here is that this model does no have smart tracking, and is somewhat of a marketing fraud, since Hikvision promotes that their TandemVu PTZ Cameras, do all this smart tracking via Panorama Linkage, but in this camera it is not automatic. You have to be in the web gui, and select manual tracking, and draw a square around the Panorama image that you want the PTZ to focus to. So it kind of works, but not as advertised, and unless you have a person dedicated to viewing the Panorama image, we the ptz just does not work. A waste of money, I just went out and bought a DS-2DE7A432IW-AEB, that works better.
I think that you're right @paccmx - sorry that you were mislead, I'll pass the feedback on to our contact at Hikvision.

Thanks for the feedback on the DS-2DE7A432IW-AEB too.

I'll also see if there is an update about the automatic smart tracking being added in future firmware for the DS-2SE4C425MWG-E/26(F0).
Just got this camera and running into same issue. First of all 'Calibration' does not exist unless you use a browser in Windows. And yes smart tracking seems impossible.

I want to ask, what exactly is 'Panorama linkage' if not for passing the feed to the PTZ camera? If this has nothing to do with that, what does it do? Hikvision says:

Purpose: When you first time use this device, you have to do the calibration before
using panorama tracking functions. The smart events could have a linkage of
panorama tracking for detected target. When the target is detected by the panoramic
view, the PTZ camera channel will track the target constantly. The PTZ camera
channel automatically adjusts its PTZ position to ensure that the target is in the
center of PTZ view with certain detailed information. So, the Calibration is required
to establish the link between the camera channels.

(https://www.hikvisioneurope.com/eu/portal/portal/Technical Materials/24 How To/CCTV/How to configure panorama tracking in PanoVu.pdf)

And the camera is sold with feature of:

Smart Linkage. Panorama Linkage

As this is called smart, and panoramic linkage seems to mean linking the panoramic and ptz channels, I don't think it was a leap to assume this was another way of saying smart/auto tracking.

This camera is much less useful than I thought it would be, not even sure the use of the ptz camera except in random patrols. This is clearly missold, not sure I can return it to ebay seller based on their statements though.
I want to ask, what exactly is 'Panorama linkage' if not for passing the feed to the PTZ camera? If this has nothing to do with that, what does it do? Hikvision says:
When I asked Hikvision about this before, they explained that this is what "panorama linkage" actually means:

This feature means you can circle an area of panoramic camera manually on live view page, and the PTZ camera will track to those areas automatically to give more detail about that specific area. You just need to go to the webpage of the camera, on the right-hand side there will be a panoramic tracking option. Once you have clicked that option, you can circle an area on the live view. Then, the PTZ camera can track in those areas that were highlighted / circled on the panoramic camera.
When I asked Hikvision about this before, they explained that this is what "panorama linkage" actually means:

This feature means you can circle an area of panoramic camera manually on live view page, and the PTZ camera will track to those areas automatically to give more detail about that specific area. You just need to go to the webpage of the camera, on the right-hand side there will be a panoramic tracking option. Once you have clicked that option, you can circle an area on the live view. Then, the PTZ camera can track in those areas that were highlighted / circled on the panoramic camera.
Not really "track", but the ptz will move to the point on the panoramic view. This is stationary and will not move to another point until you select one.
Really disappointed me in my purchase, since the cameras I purchased do not work with smart track...
They are all in a box now.
Yes, I think what they are alluding to by "track" is that once moved to that point in the panoramic view, the PTZ should start tracking any movement there provided Smart Tracking is enabled in the PTZ > Smart Tracking menu:

I haven't been able to test it though, that's just what I've gathered...
smart track does work like this, but in this model there is no smart track, only manual track. Manual track is basically you click on the panoramic channel and the PTZ goes to that point. I have tested it, I will try to make a video to demonstrate the function. But in this camera nothing is smart or automatic.
I have the /14 model with the single panoramic camera I think they are essentially the same. Firmware 5.7.13 build 221111. camera build date 04/24 on the camera. I didn't think it tracked, kind of disappointed(That's the idea of hikvision selling through dealers and not directly to consumers, so your dealer can explain these things to you). I didn't expect super good tracking for the price point, but something. Then i was sitting watching the feed and it tracked. I can confirm, it does track targets from the panoramic channel as long as an alarm is triggered. Not extremely smart but it does track and zoom quite well. I spent many hours pulling my hair out why/how it tracked. I have to use edge browser with the plugin installed for the panorama linkage menu to appear within the ptz menu to calibrate the 2 channels. Also I have to make sure smart linkage is disabled on iVMS-4200 or the camera will not track anything. From what I understand it is only doing this because of a bug, but it is a proof of concept that it can track decently. Hikvision adding a basic tracking to the firmware officially would be very nice.
I have the /14 model with the single panoramic camera I think they are essentially the same. Firmware 5.7.13 build 221111. camera build date 04/24 on the camera. I didn't think it tracked, kind of disappointed(That's the idea of hikvision selling through dealers and not directly to consumers, so your dealer can explain these things to you). I didn't expect super good tracking for the price point, but something. Then i was sitting watching the feed and it tracked. I can confirm, it does track targets from the panoramic channel as long as an alarm is triggered. Not extremely smart but it does track and zoom quite well. I spent many hours pulling my hair out why/how it tracked. I have to use edge browser with the plugin installed for the panorama linkage menu to appear within the ptz menu to calibrate the 2 channels. Also I have to make sure smart linkage is disabled on iVMS-4200 or the camera will not track anything. From what I understand it is only doing this because of a bug, but it is a proof of concept that it can track decently. Hikvision adding a basic tracking to the firmware officially would be very nice.
Looks like your camera has the old GUI, the ones with the nuew GUI do not work this way... Would be great, but appears as if they corrected the error.