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Trying to view IP camera system on another network


New Member
I have an ankke system (dn18r annke) and 8 cameras connected. I have a 4g router setup next to it with an ether cable plugged into the dvr. I can obviously view my cameras when I connect to my 4g router and go to my dvr ip address ( but when I connect to my main wifi or on celluar data. I cannot access the ip address. I tried going into my routers ip address and port forwarding my dvr ip address and port 8080. I then tried to access the camera ip with the port but it still failed to connect. I even added Googles DNS on the annke dvr server options and still nothing. I'm a bit confused as what to do right now.

Is it my 4g router not port forwarding correctly? Do I need a static ip on my 4g router? (My dvr ip is always the same.)

Any help? I would prefer to do through the web browser using the dvr IP address than use the mobile app or the dvr + monitor.
Hi @batman123

Yes, a static IP address is likely the issue.

You will need to contact whoever you got your 4G router data card from to see if it can be configured for IP surveillance.