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Web grid view with main streams possible?


NVR: DS-7604NI-K1 / 4P(B)
Camera 1: 8MP / DS-2CD2385G1-I - running 4k 20fps 6144kbps
Camera 2: 8MP / DS-2CD2387G2H-LIU - running 4k 25fps 8192kbps

First time using more than 1 cam.

Is it normal that when using the web based LiveView of multiple cams only 1 of them will show mainstream and the others sub stream if viewing in grid mode? Each will show mainstream resolution when viewing 1:1.

I have set the substreams to their maximum resolution.

Thank you
Hi @Denzy

This is to do with the decoding limitations of the NVR, if you look at the datasheet for your NVR you'll see it says the decoding capability is "1-ch@8 MP (30 fps)/5-ch@1080p (30 fps)" which means the NVR can only decode and live stream one camera at a time in the max. 8MP resolution.

In our experience, this really isn't a problem because the reality is that if you were actually able to splitscreen 4 x 8MP/4K images on a 4K monitor you wouldn't actually be viewing the full 4K image anyway because each camera stream would only be taking up a quarter of the 4K monitor.

To actually view the full-resolution image of an 8MP/4K camera you need to be viewing just the single camera stream on its own on a 4K monitor.
Hi @Denzy

This is to do with the decoding limitations of the NVR, if you look at the datasheet for your NVR you'll see it says the decoding capability is "1-ch@8 MP (30 fps)/5-ch@1080p (30 fps)" which means the NVR can only decode and live stream one camera at a time in the max. 8MP resolution.

In our experience, this really isn't a problem because the reality is that if you were actually able to splitscreen 4 x 8MP/4K images on a 4K monitor you wouldn't actually be viewing the full 4K image anyway because each camera stream would only be taking up a quarter of the 4K monitor.

To actually view the full-resolution image of an 8MP/4K camera you need to be viewing just the single camera stream on its own on a 4K monitor.
Thank you for the clear information.

So just to be clear the 40Mbps bandwidth limit is on the recording side only or is it dynamic?

What I mean is if I have x4 8K cameras running at 25fps at a bitrate of say 10,000kbps it would be fine recording all of them for the full 40Mbps and additionally still be fine viewing in grid view at reduced resolutions/sub streams - or is the viewing shared bandwidth?

I've read people saying these latest 8MP cams can need 15-20Mbps each - I assume that is if you are running at their max frame and Bitrates? ( personally 8192 seems to be quite acceptable for 4K, why do people need higher?)
Hi @Denzy

Basically, as long as you don't exceed the NVR incoming bandwidth limit then you can record 4 x 8MP cameras, but the decoding capability would still limit you to only live viewing one of those 8MP cameras at a time.

If you use a fixed bitrate with the new AcuSense/ColorVu 8MP cameras that is below 10Mbps then it would probably be possible to run 4 x 8MP cameras on the 7604 NVR, but from previous testing (with variable bitrate) we have seen the 8MP AcuSense/ColorVu models exceed 10Mbps even when not on max. settings, so it is unlikely that without impeding the quality of the 8MP image you will be able to get more than 2 x 8MP AcuSense/ColorVu models on the 7604 NVR you currently have.