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Firmware New Hikvision I Series NVR Firmware Update - 4.60.000


Trusted Member
noticed on the HIK UK website new version 4.60.000 for the I Series NVRs.
No changelog and not on the UK portal so far.
Haven't tried yet...
Thanks @dazulrich

We haven't seen any release notes from Hikvision, but unfortunately, this is becoming a regular thing with Hikvision. (release notes will likely appear in a few weeks time)

If you do decide to update before the notes are available then please share your experience/feedback in this thread.
I've popped it on mine. These previous 2 bugs remain:

1 - timeline resets to midnight when switching between normal playback and smart playback (last worked correctly in 4.40.017)
2 - I had to redefine all of my motion detection areas again as they reset to a rectangle (more than a year since reporting that and it's still not clear whether that issue is camera firmware or NVR firmware related)

The only changes I can find are:

1 - a message beneath the web login window regarding respecting peoples privacy
2 - I frame interval for each can now be changed in the NVR video settings, rather than having to login to the camera directly to change from the default of 50
3 - the ability to to select a custom audio clip in the alarm linkage settings (this may have been there before but I'd not noticed it)
Maybe someone can confirm, connecting to the Web portal on the NVR over HTTP port 80, now seems to redirect to HTTPS port 443.

This seems to break remote connections to the portal on the NVR with any port remapping such as UPnP, and remote connections must be via HTTPS://<external IP>:<HTTPS external remote port >

This also gives rise to certificate warnings.

However, Live View is working much better on Edge Chromium, but this may be due to using HTTPS.
If you enable https it diverts a http automatically. Once https is enabled HTTP will not work
Anyone else updated yet?

I did last week to V4.60.000 build211129 (on UK portal). May be unrelated but some cameras are not longer connecting immediately via HikConnect, and some do not connect at all. I may have also had a recent HikConnect update on the app so can't rule that out.

No issues on my side (internet or other with previous firmware/app).
I updated to this version and I’m having issues with hik connect side of things. I’m getting maximum channels reached for playback
What I didn't do is check if there were firmware upgrades for my cameras. Will do that next week when back home. Wonder if some change in I series firmware needs latest camera updates.
  • I can actual login into the NVR from my Linux Mint PCs using FF or Chromium. For the longest I have been forced to use Windows with the Hikvision plugin.
  • The email out of sequence issue that was in the 4.5.x firmware seems to have been fixed.
  • I also noticed that I can also rename connected ONVIF based cameras. I have not been able to do this in previous firmware versions.
  • I noticed that video play back seems a lot smoother for both Hikvision & ONVIF connected cameras.
  • The GUI seems have some changes as well
  • It seems email interval is still missing from the DS-9632NI-I8 series NVR. It was a shame I kept my now retired DS-9632NI-ST just for this email feature. So I have been running the new NI-I8 for video & the old NVR(NI-ST) just for email notifications with a few minutes interval enabled. Since DS-9632NI-I8 has NO email interval or delay I get 10+ emails when the mail-man walks upto to my door & leaves. Last Christmas I had close to 1000 email notifications from 20 people coming or leaving the premises. The email interval limits the number of unnecessary email notifications.
I got the update and no end of issues for my hikconnect green screen and connection issues. I stepped back the firmware and no issues on hikconnect app.
I installed the update on my 7732NI-I4 a couple of weeks ago, and on 2 other tech savvy clients 7608NI-I2 NVR.
So far no issues on any of them to make me downgrade.
No camera reconnect issues at reboot.
Minor niggle, NVR playback on higher mega pixel cameras jumps at what appears to be the pre-record buffer point and isn't as smooth as it could be.
However on iVMS playback directly from the NVR on a wired network is very smooth.
Dragged/scrolling NVR playback on HD cameras is smoother.
I don't use Hikconnect, but one of the upgraded clients uses Hikconnect, all fine, but he doesn't have any AcuSense or 8MP cameras.
My other 4mp colorvu cameras were fine. Playback on the nvr via 8mp camera also stuttered and skipped every 4 seconds. All that is now fine.
It's an nvr 9mp camera issue I think.
Minor niggle, NVR playback on higher mega pixel cameras jumps at what appears to be the pre-record buffer point and isn't as smooth as it could be.

So, I rolled back from V4.60.005 to V4.51.025 because I mostly do playback on the NVR.

However on iVMS playback directly from the NVR on a wired network is very smooth.

Didn't notice you mentioned this... I loaded V4.60.005 again and playback on iVMS-4200 is good.
Didn't notice you mentioned this... I loaded V4.60.005 again and playback on iVMS-4200 is good.
I've since got 4.60.005 working well from the NVR and iVMS.
The critical thing seems to be matching the main stream event video settings to the sub stream settings in video frame rate and i-frames.
So I'm running G5 cameras at 20fps and i-frame at 40.

This means that when watching the live display, when a smart event is detected, the video continues smoothly, without jumping or dark frames.
If you don't match these then you get the strange video repeats/jumps/dark frames.
These settings also have to be done from the NVR (because NVR settings take precedence over settings done direct to the camera interface at reboot).
I've found an NVR reboot helps after doing the changes.
I've only had mixed success at 25 fps for G5 cameras (but my system seems stable now at 20 fps.).
The critical thing seems to be matching the main stream event video settings to the sub stream settings in video frame rate and i-frames.

I think you meant...

The critical thing seems to be matching the main stream event video settings to the main stream continuous settings in video frame rate and i-frames.
I think you meant...

The critical thing seems to be matching the main stream event video settings to the main stream continuous settings in video frame rate and i-frames.

No, I didn't mean that.
My main monitor is a multi-camera image (5 or 9 cameras) which are all in sub stream view in that configuration.
On a smart detection the main stream is then recorded but during that process the monitor video stuttered, jumped or had 1 or 2 dark frames.
Those anomalies were recorded as well.
So when I changed sub stream fps & I-frame settings to the same settings as the main stream it fixed those issues.

The anomalies only apply to the 2387 and 2347 G5 ColorVu cameras.
It doesn't happen on any of my other Hikvision cameras.
Excellent... I have switched my sub-stream settings as you suggested.

I did see the same anomalies on smart detection as you did so thanks for figuring out what was causing them!

Did you also see a general (not just during smart event detection) stuttering on NVR playback for these cameras? I'll review some footage in a bit and see if somehow your fix addresses that issue as well.

Also, what firmware versions are you running on the cameras... I'll list mine on the next post. Thanks again!