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Access cameras in SmartTools password problems


It was great yesterday to be able to access the camera via camera management. I've just tried to access the other cameras on the system under camera management but I get a message saying login details are incorrect (guessing the installer set these and didn't give us a note of them). There are few attempts remaining to attempt login. I wonder if I should delete each camera and add it again to change the password and be able to access them? Or do they need a hard reset? Thank you in advance
Vivotek AI Network Video Recorders
Hi @CazzaK91

Yes, if you have tried logging into each camera with the default login details mentioned in the other post then the cameras will have had custom passwords set and you will have to hard reset all the cameras to set new passwords.

Also, all of your Milesight cameras are running older firmware, so after hard resetting the cameras we would recommend that you update them all to the latest camera firmware - v4x.7.0.77 (firmware update can be done in Smart Tools or by logging into each camera with a browser)