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AX PRO Administrator has lost AX Pro on the HIK_CONNECT app?

Hikvision's AX PRO intruder alarm systems


New Member
The administrator of AX Pro alarm had a "server error" on the app, it ended with him not being able to control his AX pro anymore. (He can control his NVR to the cameras, so login is OK) but does not have his alarm control. He has tried to create again with the serial number but must be approved again by the administrator and this has been deleted.
I have the system on HIK-PARTNER PRO and everything is OK here.
I can't get the administrator set up again. If there is a skilled person who can provide a possible solution, thank you in advance.
On the site list of HPP, the three dots. Go to site details and request permissions again. You may need to delete the site and re add the control panel. I have had this and some playing around with this did the trick
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