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Can't add IP cam Ezviz C6N to Hikvision DS-7216HGHI-F1 / N


New Member

I am trying to add a new IP cam Ezviz C6N to the DVR Hikvision DS-7216HGHI-F1 / N but I can't do this.

I followed this video:

After add the camera to the section System > Cam control, the cam is offline. I remember read a notification in the Ezviz app that if I update the firmware I can only use cloud to record. But I don't updated the firmware, the cam did itfself....

Could you help me, please?

Thank you!
Hi @william, i believe here is your problem :


This DVR can have IP cam up to 960p, and your EZVIZ camera is 1080p. Also chech your encoding on camera.
Hi @KamirZG
thank you so much, I needed to use another DVR same as the above, without any cameras, and I could get the cam online, even in 1080p, after this, I seted the resolution to 960p.
Now I bought a Hikvision Ds-7232hqhi-k2 and will install on monday.
thank you again!