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EZVIZ CP4 - mp4 videos do not play when reading from SD card or Mac


New Member

I have an EZVIZ CP4 peep-hole camera. I have a 512 GB micro SD card with the videos it recorded. However, when connected to the computer (or downloaded from the SD card to the hard drive), I can not play them. File name example: "hiv00426.mp4"

I can't open it with QuickTime or VLC (it shows the video duration as 00:00). I could open 1 video with VLC once, but I can't anymore. I don't understand why.

Any suggestions on where to start to solve this issue?

Thank you!
Hi @eskim_urtigas

EZVIZ and Hikvision cameras use compression on their video files, this means that when the files are exported they are not in a standard MP4 format and are not usually recognised by most video players.

We would recommend trying Hikvision's VSPlayer which should be able to uncompress these video files or you can use the file converter built into VLC to convert the compressed MP4 files to standard MP4 files.
Hi! Thank you for the quick reply!
I've downloaded VSPlayer for Mac, but it quits unexpectedly.
I've seen this post: MacOS - VS Player no longer works with MAC OS Sonama? where someone mentions VSPlayer not working on mac-os-sonama.
Do you know anything about mac-os-Ventura, which I'm using? Maybe I need to update to a newer version, I don't know.
What do you think?
Thank you!
Hi @eskim_urtigas

Apologies I forgot about this Mac issue.

Ventura is the version that came before Sonama so the issue is likely to be the same, as explained in that thread, Hikvision does not plan to maintain VSPlayer for Mac anymore so updating your MacOS is unlikely to fix the problem.

Unfortunately, Mac support for Hikvision is very poor at the moment and based on our previous discussions with Hikvision they don't appear to be in any rush to improve Mac support.

I think this leaves the VLC converter (see my first reply) as the only option unless you can source a PC to install the PC version of VSPlayer.