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How-to: How To Change the Username & Password of a Milesight NVR (using a browser)

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Staff member
As you will already know, if you have looked at any of our other Milesight forum posts or videos, the default username and password of all Milesight NVRs is admin and ms1234.

These details are default though which means every camera comes with this username and password, this makes your camera very insecure as any hacker with the right skills can use those default details to access your camera, so once you have the camera setup on your network you will need to follow the steps below to change the cameras username and password:

Step 1: Login to the Milesight camera using a browser (either IE or Safari)​
Screen Shot 2018-02-19 at 15.23.26.png
Step 2: Click Settings from the main menu on the left of your browser window​
Screen Shot 2018-02-19 at 15.24.39.png
Step 3: Click the System tab from the secondary menu and then click the User page from the drop-down​
Screen Shot 2018-02-19 at 15.25.34.png
Step 4: On the user page you will see a list of users, to change the password of a specific user you will want to click on that user in the list (it will highlight blue like the example below) and then click Edit Password
Screen Shot 2018-02-19 at 15.25.57.png
Step 5: You will be taken to a page with several boxes (see below) the first one asks you to enter the old password and then in the next you can enter the new unique password and then re-enter the new password in the 3rd box to confirm what you want to change it to, once you've filled these boxes and your happy you can click the OK button​
Screen Shot 2018-02-19 at 15.26.44.png

After saving the new password you can log out of the camera and log back in with the new login details - ***Above we have told you how to change the password but we didn't mention the username, this is because if you are the administrator (e.g. 1st user) you have to keep the username as admin but if you add any other users, we would advise changing the username to something unique as well as the password***
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