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IVMS 4200 Auxiliary View Issue with multiple (different res) monitors?

Sam P

New Member
I have a setup of 4k monitor and two 1080p monitors attached to a GPU accelerated PC running windows 10.

When using the auxiliary views for the 1080p monitors the camera images only show 1/4 of the image. It appears that IVMS is getting confused with resolutions as it is using the main screen (4k) resolution to determine the image size of the cameras for the auxiliary windows. I have tried all v.3.x and currently using the latest v3.10.05.

Previously my solution was to run an instance of v3.x for the main 4k screen and a single instance of v2.x for the two 1080p screens. However, the v2.x (and IVMS 4200 Lite) does not seem to work with encrypted streams.

Moreover, I am unable to install two instances of v.3.x as the software checks for another using instance (regardless of whether it is running under a different user).

Any solution to this problem?
Vivotek AI Network Video Recorders