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Multiple cameras over powerline adapters


New Member
I bought this NVR along with to POE IP cameras:

I was looking at using these powerline adapters so I didn't have to run network cables everywhere:

Given I would have a total of 3 of these 1 for each camera and 1 for the NVR. Would the NVR pick up both cameras if plugged into 1 of the ports or will I need 4 of them?
Highly recommend you stay away from powerline adapters for cameras. There is no way you could guarantee reliability.

NVR would absolutely not pick any cameras up if you plugged the network side powerline adapter into one of the POE ports on the NVR.

The only way to make this work, would be to plug the network side powerline adapter into your router, then activate the cameras and set static IP's for all cameras on your home network/subnet then add them manually to your NVR using each cameras static IP.

No easy way to do this without a significant compromise in reliability, unfortunately.