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New AXIS Card Reader A4020-E not Reading Existing Fobs?


New Member
Hi we have a customer site with a1001 door controllers and a4011 readers. The a4011 is not available anymore and we fitted a a4020 reader. Issue is the existing fobs for the site won’t read on the a4120 - if we use a blank fob it can read but seems to be reading the data in a different way - card number and raw.

Anyone came across this? Customer has 100’s of fobs so changing them would be a drama.
Hikvision PTZ cameras
Hi @networkscotland

This is not an AXIS product we have any experience with and is also not something we see bought very regularly so not sure if there will be many users on here with hands-on experience.

You will likely get a faster and more definitive answer to this very specific technical question by speaking to AXIS directly at their live chat.

If you do get an answer from them, please share it in this thread as the answer might be helpful for other users considering these kinds of AXIS products.