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Object detection in no light?


New Member
The house is isolated, surrounded by woodland, subject to high wind and rain, and frequented by wildlife small and large. On a cloudy night it is very, very dark.

I want perimeter surveillance that records/alerts on human/vehicular detection. I think I grasp how this can be done in daylight but seek advise about the night.

My current thinking
As an inexperienced newbie my current thinking is dedicated PIR sensors to trigger lighting which in turn allows camera object detection. What I dislike is that the lights will forever be on and off with every animal that passes. I would prefer to less disturb the wildlife, better respect the dark skies area we are just outside, and not waste energy lighting up deer! Also this would seem to introduce another layer beyond cameras/NVR to go wrong. Keep it simple right?

I guess camera IR would less disturb the wildlife and dark skies. Does IR work well with object detection in complete darkness? Or is there another approach all together? Thermal??? Although the cameras seem expensive.

What cameras/technology would you deploy?

More info

The working perimeter (before woodland) is 5-20m around a small house with one driveway access. I plan 4 POE (IK10, IP67) cameras outside, probably with some active deterrent features, local NVR, remote access, some home automation, UPS.

All advise appreciated. Thanks.
Hi @Phil123

In a scenario with total darkness, our recommendation will always be IR because IR LEDs will give you the clearest and most detailed image when there is no visible light.

Most fixed IR cameras, like the Hikvision AcuSense cameras, will have an IR range of around 30-40m which should be more than enough for the area you need to cover.