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Spiders and the New Turret Design (Solved)


From the knowledge already on this website it seems turrets are less likely to get spiders on them as the IR and the Lens are in separate housing. My own HikVision 2MP (my first IP camera) bears testament to this been up almost 6 months with no webs (as oppossed to the old non ip bullet cameras)

It seems the 6MP and 8MP Darkfighter cameras have had a redesign so it appears both the IR/Lens in in the same housings. Wouldn't that kill the little to no spider advantage Example
It seems the 6MP and 8MP Darkfighter cameras have had a redesign so it appears both the IR/Lens in in the same housings. Wouldn't that kill the little to no spider advantage Example

You are correct that the design has changed slightly but the IR and lens are still separate with the IR LEDs behind the black anti-reflection plastic that surrounds the rectangular lens window, so this should still keep spiders from spinning webs and sitting directly over the lens.

You can get a rough idea of how this works from the picture on this product page of the older 2H55 which shows the camera with the IR on - Hikvision DS-2CD2H55FWD-IZS 5MP Motorised Zoom Turret Network Camera