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Which tablet for cctv always on display?

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I am a newbie and looking to get a home IP CCTV system installed soon. I would like an always on display monitor placed on the sideboard in living room. I have been advised by an installer that any screen with a HDMI port will work, so this could be a small tv monitor or PC monitor etc. I am looking for a more portable and slimline solution such as a tablet, iPad preferably as I already own one. However, a lot of these tablets don’t have hdmi ports but more so either usb-c or a lightning port in case of iPad. Firstly, would an iPad be compatible for this if I was to get a lightning to hdmi converter? Also, are there any recommendations for an easier solution or alternative tablet that would work for me? Appreciated and thank you.
There have been a few threads in this forum on using the cost-effective Amazon Fire tablets with Hikvision's Hik-Connect App e.g.

NB I was recently notified that Amazon are just about to release lots of new in-home tech devices. IDK whether anything new may be even better ...
Thank you, but does it always remain on? I was advised that the only way it stays on is if you hard wire it and don’t use the app as such.
For anybody who comes across this thread - full details can be found here:
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