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Axis camera login problems on ipc tester

Have you asked the manufacturer of the tester?
Axis is one of the most popular brands, so you'd expect they will have seen the issue before and hopefully be able to assist you.
Download firefox apk to your memory stick and pop it in your IPC tested, open file browser, find the file and install it.
The google browser doesnt very work.
Neither do the other apps most of them just crash with AXIS cameras.

Most of the IPC testers are Android based and let you install any android apk.

I have whatsapp install on mine.
Have you asked the manufacturer of the tester?
Axis is one of the most popular brands, so you'd expect they will have seen the issue before and hopefully be able to assist you.
Currently there are no Axis tools for Android available.

This is because Axis has it's only Android IPC tester which they want you to buy.