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Door Entry Can I buy a Video Intercom Villa Door Station that works without an indoor station?


New Member

Do you know if it's possible to buy a hikvision outside door station/intercom( card or video) that works without an indoor station, to be able to receive ring to phone?
Hi @alenkc - yes, the Villa Door Stations can work without an indoor station and can be added directly to your Hik-Connect account.

However, need an indoor station with a microSD card installed if you would like to receive snapshots with the saved notifications from when the doorbell is called.

If you add the doorbell without an indoor station, you will only be able to answer calls and view the live stream.

If you have an NVR, you can connect the doorbell to this over your local network, and save all of the footage to this like a normal camera.
All of these - Search results for: 'DS-KV'
But, no Hikvision model will be able to save snapshots without the indoor station.
Not as ideal as fixed storage, but you can get the snapshots to the Hik-Connect app. Event notifications are removed after 1 week but intercom notifications and snapshots are retained longer (it was a month). Of course you'd need to click on the notification snapshot then click the download icon to add it to the library before it was removed from the Hik-Connect account.