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Hik-Connect Event recording I-series & colour view -what's the best way to try and avoid chickens on the events?

julian toon

Active Member
have a customer with i series colour vu 4MP turret cameras
she has too many chickens
we have event notifications on the app working fine
what's the best way to try and avoid chickens on the events apart from an axe (joke)
we need just people and vehicle detection not chickens
Hi @julian toon

What are the model numbers of the ColorVu cameras?
If they are Acusense models, then the "human" and "vehicle" target type tickboxes in the event area settings should work - if you tick both, it will detect only these things and ignore the chickens, as shown in step 8 in this guide.
Don't use motion detection. Use line crossing and intrusion. Draw your boxes larger than the chickens and you should be good.