I'd be tempted to go back to the V4 firmware. I've been racking my brains to find a reason not to. None of the issues I mentioned at the start of this post (and that have been brought up elsewhere) exist in 4.63.020_230808. Pros and cons for downgrade to version 4:
AcuSense markers for motion work in that version locally
AcuSense markers for motion work in that version for Hik-Connect
Intercom Door Stations can be added easily for recording etc without workarounds
Doing a VCA search can be quickly carried out in a few clicks without tarting around trying to manipulate the line or box corners
Doing the above VCA search does not cause the clip, tag, zoom toolbar to stop appearing
Zoning of cameras for Hik-Connect event notifications was already available in that version so you're not missing out on that
Easy to use layout
It's a year and a half out of date (but works)
The very latest (very broken) V5.04.020 finally supports Safari on Mac for Live View and Playback