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iVMS-4200 iVMS-4200 does it always require admin to run?


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I upgraded my iVMS-4200 from V3.3.1.8_E to V3.9.0.5_E (on Windows 11)

Is it normal that you have to run as (Windows administrator? Every time you run the software it says you must allow the software to make changes to your system - i.e. a Windows privileged admin login is required. If so this seems a terrible design choice from a safety/security point of view.

Our IT department has a "ThreatLocker" system that stops people installing things, so to install something you have to request ThreatLocker is put into install/learning mode, then install the software and after that all should be well. But with this latest iVMS version the ThreatLocker system still blocks a load of iVMS .dll files. It's like this version of iVMS-4200 is running or installing itself in a different way than it did before...

Anyone got any ideas/tips?
There's a newer version here (V3.9.1.4), which I use and don't need to run as an administrator, do you still have the same problem with this?
(For some reason, they've stopped releasing the updates in the portal, similar to firmware!)
I installed v3.9.1.4 - it still requires admin privs each time I run it though. I thought it would, every single version I ever installed did the same.
That's odd, I've tested again this afternoon on Windows 11 and have not been asked to run it with admin privileges (when logged in as a standard test user that I've created).

I tried fresh installs both on my admin account and the standard guest account, but it made no difference.

I must be doing something different that I'm not aware of, I'll try again on Monday on another machine...
Maybe it's something to do with how the IT people here set up my PC/user, I don't really know the in's and outs. I just know I logon to Windows 11 as a non-admin user, but IT did set me up an admin user too. So when I go to install iVMS it Windows says something like "do you wish to allow changes" and requires me to grant addition privs by selecting an admin user and entering admin password. But Windows also then does the same thing every time I start iVMS.

This is Windows 11 Pro so maybe that's a difference?
I think it must be, I've just tried again and the only prompt I got to allow changes / enter an admin password was during the initial install, and I'm trying on Windows 11 Pro too - it launches straight away after that!
I do get the exact same "do you wish to allow changes" prompt for an admin password that you mention when I try to run SADP as a standard user, though...
Did you completely uninstall the previous versions before trying V3.9.1.4?
@Kyle - yes, I have got into the habit of completely uninstalling iVMS every time I upgrade now (with an export/import of my config).