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Notify to surveillance center issue?


Hello! On all 4 of my cameras I have the basic event with "notify to surveillance center" enabled as well as another intrusion/line-crossing event. The driveway camera notifies me on Hik-Connect app for the basic event and smart event. While the others only notify me for the smart event but identifies the basic event during the playback in the NVR (which is what I want). If I turn off the notify to surveillance for the basic event on the driveway camera, I get no notifications, but it doesn't register the event in the NVR. How do I make the driveway camera operate like the rest?

The DS-7608NI-I2 / 8P with the latest version of V4.61.010 build 220527. The driveway camera is the DS-2CD2387G2-LU (version V5.7.12 build 230131) while the other 3 are the V5.7.12 build 221201).
Never mind fixed it! ChatGPT inspired me lol. In my first post I was referring to the settings on the web interface. But I had to go in the NVR settings. To get there I went to System > Event > Normal Event > then disabled the "notify to surveillance" option there. The camera installer ticked that option for that camera only.

So the "notify to surveillance" option on the web interface is responsible for the event getting recognized by the NVR while the "notify to surveillance" on the NVR is responsible for notifying you on the app.