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Hik-Connect Can the Hik-Connect App access my Hikvision NVR on the LAN? (without using the internet)


Bit complex but will try to keep it simple...

I have a Hikvision NXI model NVR with 9 cameras connected. I am very security/privacy conscious and do not like using apps generally. I am setting up a new router which has fine control, this will enable me to block the NVR from accessing the internet (using mac address filtering/blocking). I am hoping I can still access it via the LAN using Hik Connect app on my android phone. That way, I can block my Hik Connect app on phone from accessing the internet (or just ringfence inside a container like Shelter or a second user account so it can't spy on other apps and general phone usage, which most apps do) and I can block the NVR from the web, BUT I can hopefully view the cameras via the LAN, obviously only when I am at home connected to my LAN with the phone.

The problem is... I can't find confirmation anywhere as to whether the Hik Connect app can access an NVR via the LAN, or whether connections are forced over the internet (to China and back no doubt!). Can anyone confirm please?
Thanks very much
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Yes, you can enter your NVR's LAN IP address into the App at setup.
As Phil says when you add the device to the app, instead of enabling the Hik Connect service on the NVR, leave it disabled. In the app select manual adding, IP/Domain and use the internal IP address. You can also use the older iVMS app for this.