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Hik-Connect Hik Connect - iPhone app vs iPad app - no acusense 'filters' on iPad?


Well-Known Member
Only just getting into Hik Connect - got it running on iPhone, and can use the Human/Vehicle filters etc for the cameras that have the function, seems to work ok.

Cant see these on the iPad app - anyone an iPad user?

iPhone Version and iPad version both at -
looks like it maybe because the iPad app (at least in my case) is always in landscape mode no matter what my screen lock is set to, if you do the same on the iPhone, the filters are not visible there, so probably by design in the app? Portrait you see the filters, landscape they go for more screen estate?
looks like it maybe because the iPad app (at least in my case) is always in landscape mode no matter what my screen lock is set to, if you do the same on the iPhone, the filters are not visible there, so probably by design in the app? Portrait you see the filters, landscape they go for more screen estate?
Yes it's by design. The iPad is a tablet so it's forced to Tablet Mode. I use Amazon Fire's around the house wall mounted and the filters are missing from those also if I'm in tablet mode (the mode is selectable on Android). Strangely the Help menu is missing as well in Tablet mode.