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Hik-Connect Hik-Connect slow/unusable over local wifi, fine over 3G/4G

For the past few weeks i've been having trouble access live feeds and notification recordings over local home wifi using Android Hik-Connect. Currently, clicking play on notifications returns error code: 380209. Live feeds seem to be temperamental.

Everything else on my home wifi network runs fine, all devices are assigned their own static IP Address

If I switch off wifi on my phone it all runs fine over mobile data.

Has anyone come across this issue before?
Hi there! Did this problem ever come back for you? I'm having exactly the same problem and can't work out why.

Latest firmware on the DVR and cameras. Local WiFi can't take a thing up to 15 seconds to load live view. On 4G/5G it's around 5.

Scratching my head as to why.
FYI New thread from this past weekend on the latest V5 version of the Hik-Connect App for IOS and Android: