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Infrared glow from LED's on turret camera. Should I be able to see 2 or 1 red LED?


New Member
I am wondering if the newish Hikvision Turret cameras with Infrared all have 2 x visible infrared LED's? One of my cameras (DS-2CD2386-G2-ISU/SL) I can only see 1 red glow from the 2 LED's. Should I be able to see the red glow from both LED's?

It is a new camera and I have only noticed 1 red glow, were as another similar camera, DS-2CD2386-G2-IU has visible red glow from both LED's.

I have played with the settings, turned off IR and manual mode on the supplement light, but these do nothing to make both LED's glow red.

DS-2CD2386-G2-IU: Red glow from both LED's.
DS-2CD2386-G2-ISU/SL: Red glow from only 1 of the LED's.
Hi @Corduroy

The -ISU/SL model is a Live-Guard model with the flashing strobe light feature, so when you look at the 2 LED windows on the front of the -ISU/SL model one of them will be the IR LED (giving off the red/pink glow) and the other is a white light LED for when you have the stone light feature enabled.

The standard -IU model does not support the strobe light feature so both LED windows are IR LEDs.