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smart event, intrusion detection, min/max button missing in web browser?


Well-Known Member
i have
1x DS-2DE3304W-DE
1x DS-2DE4A404IW-DE

2x DS-2CD2155FWD-I

on the intrusion detection screen in the web browser (i don't have any nvr), I only see min/max button in the DS-2CD2155FWD-I, the other two (bolded one) they are missing.

is it a firmware limitation? G1 vs R7 ?
I seem to remember a post from a while back with the same problem. If I'm not mistaken, I think the fix was to clear cache in the browser, or refresh the browser, or something similar. Are you using IE with web components?
i have tried a few time to clear cache (i just tried again) and it doesn't show up.

Yes I use web components, i tried remote config from ivms too, didnt find it there on the bolded one whole i saw them on the other two.

right now i'm just playing with sensibility hoping to find a good value, i'm battling wind with a tree and it shadow.
I hear you. I have the same problem with a back yard camera that has a tree limb shadow on it at various times of day. It takes a bit of tweaking to get it right.